
Chubby Chub Chub

I would be migrating to Facebook due to the limited space of WordPress.

Come to Facebook, if you want to continue seeing my Bundle of Joy.


It is probably a bit late to upload this picture while I’m already in my 9th months of breastfeeding journey but would still want this to be on my post.

The hard work of waking up in the middle of night to pump while Moses slept through on some of those nights had certainly paid of. It had enabled me to store quite a number of packets of BM to prepare Moses as I return to work later.

Breastfeeding has certainly been very rewarding for me. Besides being able to bond with my child, I am also able to provide him with the antibodies that he required for his first year of life. Though supply has dropped tremenduously now but I would still continue doing this for as long as I can.

Thanks to my friends who has rendered me lots of help and advise during this period. I would not be able to come this far without them.

If only I have more time to take Moses’s pictures.  He has grown so much, from boney to chubby. Thanks to my breastmilk…………….

Matthew is finally going to school. He will be attending his pre-nursery class at Dayspring Kindergarten, starting 23rd March 2010. 3 cheers for him as he will also have to take the school bus on his own to and fro. Way to go!

Do I look good in my school uniform?

Yay, wait for me, here I’m coming – Dayspring Kindergarten!

New Arrival – Moses

Hello all, after spending 38 weeks comfortably in Mummy’s womb, I am finally born on 22 January 2010.

Do I look like my brother, Matthew???