
Archive for the ‘Prelude’ Category

The Delivery

38 weeks of pregnancy is finally coming to an end…………
It is time for the Great Delivery when I least expected it.

I am feeling kind of apprehensive. My contraction started at 6am on Hari Raya Haji, 13 October 2007. It is a public holiday. I have already make plans on that day to eat as much of my favourite foods as I can before I brace myself up for my scheduled C-section operation to deliver Baby Matthew on 15 October 2007.

Unfortunately, all my plans has been shattered. Baby Matthew has decided to come out sooner than expected. I was admitted to hospital at 11am. After doctor’s examination, I was confirmed to having an emergency caesarian scheduled at 1.45pm on that same day.

The events after that happened very quickly, I was given an epideural so that I can still be sober during the delivery process and that my hubby would be able to go in to support and witness the entire delivery procedure. Goodness, I couldn’t imagine that it is happening………………..

I can still vividly remember that my gynae carried Matthew out with his hands in glove and he was showing me my baby. Geez……….I know everything about the so much anticipated operation is coming to an end in just perhaps just over an hour.

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